Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Greetings, Scotts and ScottFriends!

This is George William Brock Scott, whom some of you know, and others know of. Or perhaps not.

I live in Knoxville, Tennessee with my wife Mary Beth Leidig.

This blog is for all who care to join, to share family news or what ever is on your mind.

I'm in the middle of several things right now, and want to put this out there for all of us to use for family news, etc.

Gideon is in Washington visiting Daniel right now.

He took up a box of the sermons of Mary's father Samuel Leidig,

who was a Methodist minister for his life's work. Daniel is planning to scan them into an electronic format so that they will not perish from age, on paper.

Gid drove his Honda up there. Got there about 8 PM on Wednesday, February 25, 2009. He has contacted Taryn Millar, and they have set up a "cousin date" for sometime in the week or so he is up there.

OK, reply and I will update this blog from time to time.

Love all,


PS-I haven't gotten this alignment thing down yet. Maybe in another post.



  1. Well, it's 2013 now, and the blog is still active, apparently. I created it as a way to keep in touch with close family, without errata and flotsom from others not as concerned with our nuclear (and descendant) family matters.

    As of now, Lori is visiting her daughter Christie in Georgia, and will soon head up to see her other daughter Portia in Ohio. She is invited, and I hope accepts, an invitation to spend a night or two with Mary and me in beautiful Knox Vegas!

    OK, we'll see what kind of response I get from this blog. I created it when Zuckerberg was still in high school, I think.

    Love all,


  2. Dad has asked to access this blog, so maybe it will become something the family will use. I sent him the link. OK, Y'all, sign in.

    Love, GEO

  3. Thanks, George. I'll try to figure out how this works so I can be more active on it!
    Taryn and I leave for England June 1. Her best friend is getting married over there, and she asked me to go along. We'll also visit Wales and Ireland as neither of us has ever been to either of those countries. We're also going to go to the home that was used as Pemberly in the BBC "Pride and Prejudice" miniseries, and to the Harry Potter set in London. Fun!!
    Bracken has now completed his second of three law school years, and is still loving it. It looks like he and Bev will be spending about 6 weeks this summer in the Valley- yea!!
    Jeff's agency is doing great- really really busy! And my work continues along pretty much as usual.
    Love to all, Nancy
